Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jayz's Profile

Jayanti Indah Sari is my name. As a student in SMAN South Sumatera (Sampoerna Academy), I should live at dormitory which is far from my house. Usually my friends call me jayz or adek, because they think I'm the smallest here. I feel comfortable with this. I feel have a big family in this dormitory. I'm 15th years old. My favourite colour is blue. I'm interested to read adventure novel. My hometown is Pagaralam which is 6 hours from Palembang. For three years, I can't see my family everyday. I just can contact them from my phone. However, I have tried to make all of my friends here become my big family, and I can do it. If you want to know more about me, just contact me in email : I would like you to be closer with me as a family. Thank you..


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